FCFS algorithm in Kotlin | CPU scheduling | First Come First Serve

CPU scheduling is a process that determines the order in which processes will be executed on the CPU. There are various scheduling algorithms, and one of the simplest algorithms is the First Come First Serve (FCFS) algorithm. In the FCFS algorithm, the processes are executed in the order in which they arrive. Each process is … Read more

SJF Non-preemptive in Kotlin | Shortest Job First CPU scheduling

CPU scheduling is the process of selecting a process from the queue of processes in the ready state and allocating the CPU to it. The primary goal of CPU scheduling is to make sure that the CPU is utilized effectively and efficiently. There are several scheduling algorithms available to manage the CPU scheduling, and one … Read more

SJF Preemptive in Kotlin | Shortest Job First CPU scheduling

CPU scheduling is the process of selecting a process from the queue of processes in the ready state and allocating the CPU to it. The primary goal of CPU scheduling is to make sure that the CPU is utilized effectively and efficiently. There are several scheduling algorithms available to manage the CPU scheduling, and one … Read more

Banker’s Algorithm in Kotlin

The Banker’s Algorithm is a resource allocation and deadlock avoidance algorithm used in operating systems. It was developed by Edsger W. Dijkstra and named after the banking industry, as it deals with the allocation of scarce resources. The Banker’s Algorithm is used to prevent deadlock in a system where there are multiple processes that compete … Read more

Dining Philosophers Problem

The “dining philosophers problem” is a classical problem in computer science that demonstrates challenges related to resource allocation and synchronization in a concurrent computing environment. It is often used to illustrate the difficulties encountered in designing and implementing concurrent systems. The problem is framed around a scenario where five philosophers are seated around a dining … Read more

The Sleeping Barber Problem

The Sleeping Barber problem is a classic synchronization problem in computer science, often used to illustrate issues related to concurrent programming and resource management. It involves a scenario where multiple processes (customers) compete for access to a limited set of resources (barber seats). The problem is defined as follows: There is a barbershop with a … Read more

The Producer-Consumer Problem

The Producer-Consumer problem is classic synchronization problem in computer science that involves two types of processes: producers and consumers. It highlights the challenges of coordinating the sharing of a bounded buffer or a queue between these processes. The problem is defined as follows: The objective of the problem is to design a solution that ensures … Read more

The Readers-Writers Problem

The Reading and Writing problem, also known as the Readers-Writers problem, is a classic synchronization problem in computer science. It involves coordinating access to a shared resource between multiple readers and writers. The problem is defined as follows: To solve the Reading and Writing problem, various synchronization mechanisms can be used. One common solution involves … Read more

Priority Scheduling in Kotlin

Priority scheduling is a CPU scheduling algorithm used in operating systems to determine the order in which processes are executed based on their priority levels. Each process is assigned a priority value, and the scheduler allocates CPU time to processes in a way that maximizes the utilization of system resources while respecting the defined priorities. … Read more